Yes, it's true. Like so many others in this fair city and across the land, it wasn't long before Dottie was seduced by the promise of Dotcom-dom.

But let's back up for a minute: Dottie learned a great deal while interviewing people in publishing. She learned that an entry-level publishing salary would never pay the rent in New York City. She learned that it could be a long, long while before she was promoted to where she would have wanted to be. And, most importantly, she learned that she really wanted to remain on the other side of the desk. As burnt out as she was from graduate school, she knew deep down that she was still destined to be The Writer, not The Editor.

So Dottie wrote nice thank-you notes and filed all the newly gathered business cards in her rolodex, knowing that she very might well return to her publishing contacts when it was time to shop around the book that she would one day write.

Now serendipitously--or, as fate would have it, if you believe in things like that--Dottie was talking to a friend of a friend about her continuing search. This particular friend-of-a-friend happened to be looking for a Content Strategist to develop content for his start-up. The next day, Dottie came down to his office for an interview. For reasons to be revealed in Chronicle #5 (soon to follow), both Dottie and the friend felt it to be a perfect match.

Stay tuned as Dottie turns web producer, hires a team of writers, and oversees the development of content for an exciting new start-up!

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